+91 700-800-2123
USA:+1 718-838-9205

Content Management System is computer software or an application that uses a database to manage all content, and it can be used when developing a website. Digital asset management systems and Component content management systems (CCMS) are another type of CMS. DAMS is managing content with a clearly defined author or ownership, such as documents, movies, pictures, phone numbers, and scientific data, and CCMS manages content at a modular level rather than as pages or articles.

Our content management services include: Component Content Management, Document Management system, Web Content Management System, Digital Asset Management, Corporate stability, etc. 

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Single-source functionality

Each chunk of content is stored only one time in a single repository, enabling maximum content reuse and eliminating duplicate content.

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Content reuse

Ability to reuse content across multiple documents without duplicating it and to have immediate access to reused content.

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Bi-directional link management

Automated tracking of cross-referenced content allows users to automatically update all occurrences of any piece of content across all publications and prevent inaccurate content.

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Integrations with editing tools

Editors take advantage of the CMS functionality through a menu on the toolbar of their favorite authoring/editing software.

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Full Unicode support

Unique character sets, such as Japanese, Russian, and Arabic, are supported in the system.

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Multichannel publishing

Content is easily repurposed for publishing to multiple media formats.

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The CMS is flexible and configurable by the user to make customizations without additional costly programming.

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Digital asset management

Users store and organize graphics and multimedia files within the CMS and search for them based on assigned metadata.

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Remote access

Remote users access the system through a secure Web interface.

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Authorized access control

The system administers assign user privileges and roles, allowing users to only access the content they are authorized to use.

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Graphical workflow

Managers create a graphical representation of the workflow process with checkpoints and email notifications to alert users of the project's status and next step.

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Global change capabilities

Users change content in one instance and automatically update it everywhere else it appears.

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Structural flexibility

Ability to change a data model (i.e., DTD) and/or manage multiple models simultaneously without major changes to the system.

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Corporate stability

Stability in company history, financials, and management team would suggest viability as a long-term partner.

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On-site training and ongoing customer support

Implementation goes smoothly and future questions get answered.

CMS Process


Requirements may come out of the following areas, or others:

    • Who is the audience for the content?
    • What is the intended takeaway for those site visitors?
      • Information and reference?
      • List of resources?
      • Documents downloads?
      • Advertise services or activities?
      • Accomplish a task?
    • How will the material be organized? What kind of Information Architecture is called for? Will the site need specialized pages such a Home page or Department page, or other specialized pages? Are there a lot of graphics, pictures, media to display?
    • How (and where) does the Site information fit in with the rest of the university, and with the rest of the university's website(s)?


Based on the site's expected needs:

    • For a site new to the CMS a new site shell, empty of content but with all expected functionality, is created within the CMS;
    • Alternately, an existing site may need to be significantly modified mechanically
      (e.g. to support significant changes for the area such as re-design, re-branding, a complete site reorganization, etc.);
    • Internal Quality Assurance testing for the new site shell, or site changes, is initiated;
    • All issues are addressed before user-access permission is added;
    • When ready, the site/site shell is released (or released back) to the content owners for development;
    • Publishing is restricted.
      Please note that new sites still in development or sites with significant changes still in process, will be temporarily locked out of publishing the new materials to the live UH Website.


WebTech reviews site development status vis-à-vis communications and expectations.

If judged to be ready, the Site will be forwarded on to the next two processes:

    • UH Branding Review
    • Pre-launch Quality Assurance Testing


UH, Branding Review insures that user-developed content aligns with the latest look and feel, UH identity, and general standards of functionality championed by the University of Houston.


Pre-launch Quality Assurance Testing looks at the site from several different perspectives.

    • Accessibility -
      Could a site visitor with disabilities get what they need from your website?
    • Functionality -
      Are there broken links, or other issues? Does the functionality for these pages meet the expectations of a typical site visitor? of UH standards?
    • Completeness -
      Are there pages empty of content, or with insufficient or incorrect content?
    • Other issues -
      There may be other issues which can mean the pages are not yet ready to go live.


  • Live publishing is enabled/re-enabled for the Site.
  • Web Tech usually initiates the first whole-area Live Publish, to ensure that everything goes as planned, and to troubleshoot any unforeseen snags.
  • Remember that any final file management/domain issues must be resolved before the site is announced live to the public.

Guaranteed and Results Oriented CMS Services from 5 Years!

DIGI FIRM is one of the best Companies successfully operating since the year 2015. During these years DIGI FIRM has developed a robust and result-oriented CMS Process, which has helped more than 500 websites achieve higher visibility on the search engines, globally.

Experience: CMS is very dynamic and is an undefined science – you learn it with experience.
At DIGI FIRM, we are doing CMS for 5 years now and have successfully managed more than 500 campaigns with proven results.

Team: It is the individuals, which make the difference.
At DIGI FIRM, we currently have a highly skilled team of 85 Digital Marketing and Web Experts working in different capacities as Group Project Manager, Project Managers, On-Page Expert, Off-Page Experts, Content Writers, Programmers, and Quality Experts, all working in unison with a single objective of providing high customer satisfaction and results.

R&D: Search engines continuously roll out new updates all the time and it is a must to remain on top.
At DIGI FIRM, we have a separate team of research specialist, the core responsibility of which is to closely monitor all campaigns, collate data, conduct tests, and refine the process and strategies all the time.

Communication: Communication is key to any online marketing campaign’s success.
At DIGI FIRM, we are proud to say that we are one of the best when it comes to communication and reporting. With project management and online campaign tracking system and availability of live support via phone, instant messaging service, and emails we keep our clients updated all the time. Our reports are rated highly by the clients.

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For more information on our CMS Service, call us at +91 700 800 2123 or via email at sales@thedigifirm.com