+91 700-800-2123
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Email marketing is defined as a sales and marketing strategy where a commercial message is sent to a specific audience to increase engagement, encouraging conversion, and inspiring referrals.”

Given the exceptional ROI of email marketing, it is now essential in B2B and B2C businesses around the world. In this primer, we share email marketing best practices, three examples of effective email marketing strategies, and tips to help you get started.

Our Email Marketing services include: Segment your audience, create a customer journey, Personalize your message, Experiment, and test.

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Segment your audience

Take your existing database of customers (loyal, new, prospects, defectors, and returns) and segment them as per purchase behavior and interest patterns. You can share a quiz with the entire customer base to find out granular data on each group, trimming down each list to perfection.

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Create a customer journey

A customer journey involves breaking down the entire lead-to-conversion and return experience into specific moments of truth. This mirrors a customer’s real-life experience. For example, someone buying a budget computer for school work begins by graduating from high school. This journey will help share the right kind of messaging across your email marketing drip.

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Personalize your message

As we’ve already mentioned in the tips on email marketing, personalization is absolutely critical (and pretty easy) for your campaign. According to Experian Marketing Services, “personalized emails generate six times higher transaction rates.”

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Experiment and test

There are several types of emails and content formats you could experiment with, in your email marketing strategy. For example, interactive content can be a big help when you’re trying to overhaul your brand image, and reengage existing customers.

SEO Process

Planning of the marketing strategy

Firstly, the global targets and milestones that are intended to be achieved with email marketing have to be defined. If such goals are not defined properly and only pure activism dominates, email marketing campaigns most probably won’t succeed. Email marketing is not a sprint but a marathon and therefore the path and the goal must be defined clearly so that the provider does not drift off the track.

Collecting target group data

Once the overall objectives are determined, it should be clear which target group to address as well. So. the email addresses of the members of these target groups must be collected or rented. In addition, it would be good to obtain their permission to send them emails.

Setting up the database

The data of the target groups, such as email addresses and any other information (e.g. first name, last name, gender, desired email format etc.) must be stored in a database that will personalize the emails accordingly. If additional profile information from email recipients is asked, in order to be able to customize the content of the emails for instance, it’s stored in the database, too.

Defining the emailing concept

In the next step the actual concept of the emailing broadcasts is determined, which means the tactical objectives and the deriving communication frequency for instance (a single action, a regular newsletter, or a multi-stage campaign), or the tonality (of genuine style and discreet design, up to uncouth language and hip layout.

Producing the contents

For every email campaign appropriate content for the target group and concept has to be produced. These consist of editorial and / or advertising texts and emails in HTML format, in addition of photos, graphics and any other visual elements.

Emailing set-up

After defining the concept and the content for the message, the email has finally to be set up. So has, for instance, the order of the texts to be classified and variable or optional text blocks have to be specified in addition to the decision which audiences will receive the corresponding text block. Finally, there are the headers and footers, as well as the information for the email headers (e.g. sender address, subject line).

Email blast

A personal email for each recipient has to be compiled and sent, when sending an email. During the compilation the appropriate email format has to be taken into consideration for e.g. the format the recipient prefers (e.g. text, HTML, Flash, PDF), the appropriate salutation, and possibly variable or optional text blocks. Emails that bounce back as undeliverable have to be processed accordingly, depending on the reason of non-deliverability. Set-up a test account  with the major providers to figure out if the emails have been delivered properly or which one are filtered out as spam mail.

Evaluate Results

Finally, the results of the emailing broadcasts, such as the rate of undeliverable or opened email, the quantity and distribution of link clicks, the number and the revenue of orders and sales, as well as other responses are captured and analyzed.

Guaranteed and Results Oriented Mobile Marketing Services from 5 Years!

DIGI FIRM is one of the best Companies successfully operating since year 2015. During these years DIGI FIRM has developed a robust and result oriented Mobile Marketing Process, which has helped more than 500 websites achieve higher visibility on the search engines, globally.

Experience: Mobile Marketing is very dynamic and is an undefined science – you learn it with experience.
At DIGI FIRM, we are doing Mobile Marketing from 5 years now and have successfully managed more than 500 campaigns with proven results.

Team: It is the individuals, which makes the difference.
At DIGI FIRM, we currently have a highly skilled team of 85 Digital Marketing and Web Experts working in different capacities as Group Project Manager, Project Managers, On Page Expert, Off Page Experts, Content Writers, Programmers and Quality Experts, all working in unison with a single objective of providing high customer satisfaction and results.

R&D: Search engines continuously roll out new updates all the time and it is must to remain on top.
At DIGI FIRM, we have a separate team of research specialist, the core responsibility of which is to closely monitor all campaigns, collate data, conduct tests and refine the process and strategies all the time.

Communication: Communication is key to any online marketing campaign’s success.
At DIGI FIRM, we are proud to say that we are one of the best when it comes to communication and reporting. With project management and online campaign tracking system and availability of live support via phone, instant messaging service and emails we keep our clients updated all the time. Our reports are rated highly by the clients.

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For more information on our Email Marketing Service, call us at +91 700 800 2123 or via email at sales@thedigifirm.com