The Digi Firm Solution has worked with brands across a wide range of industries and has managed their online reputation brilliantly. From big businesses and restaurants to celebrities, our tailored ORM solutions still produce results. We delete negative feedback and replace it with constructive thoughts by mixing social media, online PR, search optimization, and strategic thought.
Our Online Reputation Management services include: In what way are we different, Our services at ORM include, Brand Loyalty Improving by ORM Performance.
SEO Process
Reputation Research
Every internet reputation management campaign begins with a thorough research phase. First, we identify the subject’s (that’s you or your company) top search phrases. These might include variations on names, key titles or services, and other phrases that searchers readily associate with you.
Once the research phase has been completed we design a strategy to accomplish your goals. For example, there are different strategies for various situations and outcomes.
- Wikipedia development
- "Replacement" of content
- Review improvement
- Rating improvement
- Suppression of negative results
- Promotion of positive results
- Development of new third-party content
- Article placement
- Social media strategy
Content creation is one of the most time-consuming pieces of the online reputation management services process. But you can’t neglect it, as it’s the foundation of every successful campaign. Content can be on web properties you control, or that other people control.
As part of the reputation management process, we often identify and build websites, business listings, social media profiles, existing blogs, and other owned properties that you control and influence. We build those you need, but don’t have in place yet. These may include:
- Charity website
- Blogs
- Social media profiles
- Image sharing profiles
- Video profiles
- and more
Promotion of branded search results
What’s the use of a comprehensive content and publishing plan if no one sees its fruits? Along with great content, promotion is key to the internet reputation management process.
Seeking out an experienced online reputation management services company and committing to an improved online image won’t produce changes overnight. ORM is a long game, a painstaking process marked by victories both large and small.
Guaranteed and Results Oriented ORM Services from 5 Years!
DIGI FIRM is one of the best Companies successfully operating since year 2015. During these years DIGI FIRM has developed a robust and result oriented ORM Process, which has helped more than 500 websites achieve higher visibility on the search engines, globally.
is very dynamic and is an undefined science – you learn it with experience.
At DIGI FIRM, we are doing ORM from 5 years now and have successfully managed more than 500 campaigns with proven results.
It is the individuals, which makes the difference.
At DIGI FIRM, we currently have a highly skilled team of 85 Digital Marketing and Web Experts working in different capacities as Group Project Manager, Project Managers, On Page Expert, Off Page Experts, Content Writers, Programmers and Quality Experts, all working in unison with a single objective of providing high customer satisfaction and results.
Search engines continuously roll out new updates all the time and it is must to remain on top.
At DIGI FIRM, we have a separate team of research specialist, the core responsibility of which is to closely monitor all campaigns, collate data, conduct tests and refine the process and strategies all the time.
Communication is key to any online marketing campaign’s success.
At DIGI FIRM, we are proud to say that we are one of the best when it comes to communication and reporting. With project management and online campaign tracking system and availability of live support via phone, instant messaging service and emails we keep our clients updated all the time. Our reports are rated highly by the clients.

For more information on our Online Reputation Management Service, call us at +91 700 800 2123 or via email at sales@thedigifirm.com